Just a few more backers

We are one week into the Opplopolis Collected Edition kickstarter and we have less than $500 left to meet our goal. No sweat. Except, yes sweat. Sweat until 100% — there are no guarantees in this world.

One thing that has surprised me about this is that so many people are opting for the deluxe edition tier. I sort of thought of that tier as a bonus for the most dedicated readers, but it looks like it has been the most popular option. So much so, in fact, that at time of writing there are only seven of those slots left. If (when) those get snatched up, the only deluxe editions left will be available in the bundle. So anyone who wants one of those books and not three had better move on that.

As for me, I’m alternating between hovering above the print book button and obsessively making last-minute adjustments to the print files. I’ll talk about that in a kickstarter update once it’s over the line.

In other news, here are some Hobbit and Final Fantasy illustrations from my tumblr/instagram. I’ll do more soon, but I want to draw on paper a bit first.


Fully Funded


Kickstarter Launch