Chapter Title Illustrations and a Call to Action

I finished editing and re-lettering Opplopolis a few weeks ago and I’ve been working on black-and-white illustrations for each chapter. Here they are:

Next step is to make the cover, then do all the final graphic design stuff.

As I said before, I want to run some kind of crowd-funding campaign to help pay for printing costs. I’m still researching the best way to do that. I don’t mind telling you, though, that at this moment there are not enough of you out there to make such a campaign successful. Conventional wisdom would say that means there’s no chance, but I think that there are some unusual circumstances in this case.

For one, NPWIL exists and actually did have a significant following. There seem to be people out there who remember Nine Planets but have never heard of Opplopolis and might be curious enough to contribute. Besides that, I was encouraged by a run-through of Opplopolis earlier this year in a thread on Something Awful. They actually seemed to like it. More than that, they seemed to “get” it in a way that I wasn’t sure anyone would. That tells me that this is not just some insular vanity project that I’ve undertaken and that it can appeal to a larger audience if given a chance (I wasn’t sure).

So now is (past) the time for promotion, and while I promise I’m doing my own research on it, I would like to hear from you. How do you think I should promote Opplopolis? What platforms do you use to discover this sort of thing? What communities do you think would be receptive if approached? Leave a comment below. Like and subscribe and hit the bell. That’s a joke — there’s no bell — but do comment, please.


On the way


Two Edits